Summer 2024 Vancouver Island Circumnavigation

  • MMSI #368346880
  • Boat refit for offshore sailing
  • Doggie CBD
  • Starlink on Bluetti Power Station
  • Ridiculous amount of solar onboard
  • Redundant systems and a bit of stuff we probably don’t need
  • Bells and whistles and all the things to keep the wifey happy and comfortable

This trip has been in the planning stage since we bought the boat in 2021.  We knew we wanted to head south at some point, but never thought we could get it done so fast!

We spent the winter arranging our lives to suit a live-aboard lifestyle and sold our 5th wheel RV the week we left for Canada.  Xena got her 3rd chip and another rabies shot due to the new rabies requirements and we met a really cool vet who is also an avid boater.  Xena healed from her cruciate surgery and multiple aural hematomas after a drain was in for a month.  We got all squared away and now need to figure out how to get her back into the state with the new form coming out in July while we’re gone.  There is always work to be done.

Bryan lost 100 pounds and had his surgery and in my opinion is a whole new man.   He’s excited to be the captain and is taking the prep and planning very seriously.  He'll even be working on getting his captain’s license while we’re away this summer.  It’s a win-win for me too.

I’m still working on my dissertation and praise the scientists for creating Starlink.  It’s a game changer.  I teach and do my schooling all remotely from anywhere we happen to find ourselves.  Next up is starting my own consulting business!  Stay tuned for more on that.

We have very loose plans after having met up with our HAPS sailing group for a few days.  We met up with them (Eagles Wings, Avanti, Fré Moment) in Montague Harbor then headed to Clam Bay (they went to Telegraph Harbor) and had a wonderful time with HAPSy hours and lots of great conversation.  We’ll miss all of you as we move along solo.

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